Tutorial: Kako promeniti start orb

Sta je Start Orb?

  • Start Orb je ona mala Start Ikonica.

Normlane Start Orb ikonoce na Windows 7 su ovakve:

Sta sve program Sadrzi?

Allows you to change the orb in four different ways: Context Menu Drag & Drop Change Button Command Line (Syntax only contains orb location) Works with all DPIs (If the orb is too big or too small it will automatically resize it) Works with both x86/32-bit and x64/64-bit Works with both PNG and BMP file formats Can integrate with desktop context menu Can integrate with PNG and BMP file formats' context menu Allows you to change the orb in two different methods: Memory Patching - Edits the start orb in memory which doesn't cause any UAC prompts Resource Editing - Edits the start orb by replacing resources of %windir%\explorer.exe Easy-To-Use & clean interface Two modes for normal and advanced users First & ultimate Windows 7 start orb changer available on the net

Sada kada smo to procitali, mozemo na posao!

Prvo sto trebate da uradite, jeste da nadjete ikonice koje cete koristiti.
Na sledecem liku mozete naci dosta ikonica : CLICK
Kada nadjete ikonice koje ste zeleli skinite ih.

Odakle mogu da skinem ovaj program?

  • Program mozete skinuti sa ovog linka : CLICK
    Kada ste ga skinuli otpakujte ga.
    Sledece, desni klik na Windows 7 Start Orb Changer.exe i kliknite Run As Administrator.
    Kada ste pokrenuli program, kliknite na Change i izaberite sliku koju ste malopre skinuli.
    Kada izaberete, dobicete Preview i ako ste zadovoljni zatvorite program.
    Nakon toga restartujte racunar.